How To Bring Your Vision To Life 2X Faster With Rocks, OKRs or any Goal System (Without Burnout)

Whether you use Rocks, OKRs, or your own goal-setting system, ResultMaps empowers your team to hit targets faster and with less hassle using a complete, easy-to-use suite of execution-focused tools.

Trusted by Innovative Entrepreneurial Growth Companies To Accelerate Results.

Honestly Now, Is This The Way To Set And Track Goals?

  • No clear strategy that identifies the single crux that will propel your organization

  • Goals conflict with everyday priorities, becoming just another thing on the to-do list

  • You've got a wish list of goals without commitment to bring any one of them to life

  • Goals are forgotten after roll out

  • Goals are not even mentioned beyond a few reminders spaced throughout the year

  • Complicated cascades of goals that make it hard for people to connect them to an end result

  • Lack of real-time visibility into goal progress, leading to surprises at review time

  • No clear ownership or accountability for goal achievement across the organization

  • Goals aren't part of job descriptions or feedback processes

Track rocks, okrs and goals

Why Traditional Goal-Setting Methods Are Holding You Back

  • No clear link between goals and daily work, so teams lose sight of what's truly important

  • Goals are treated as projects and to-do lists with static plans that don't change, so they quickly become outdated and irrelevant

  • Inability to adapt and problem-solve as situations change, so opportunities are missed and threats go unaddressed

  • Execution is siloed from planning, so strategy and reality drift further apart over time

  • Goals are often forgotten after initial rollout, so enthusiasm wanes and progress stalls

  • Goals aren't part of job descriptions or feedback processes, so they're treated as optional extras rather than core responsibilities

  • There's a lack of real-time visibility into goal progress, so issues are caught too late to course-correct effectively

  • Goals conflict with everyday priorities, becoming just another "thing to do", so important strategic initiatives get buried under urgent but less important tasks

  • There's no clear ownership or accountability for goal achievement across the organization, so everyone assumes someone else is responsible for driving progress

10 Hidden Flaws in Popular Goal Tracking Solutions

  1. Cannot easily zoom in and out from targets to day to action and problem solving without losing context

  2. Siloed thinking confuses people about terminology and complicates understanding

  3. Rigid frameworks don't help people understand how to incorporate a focus on targets into their daily work

  4. Lack of real-time visibility into goal progress and bottlenecks, leaving you in the dark until it's too late

  5. Missing execution rhythms so goals remain abstract concepts rather than daily, weekly and monthly drivers

  6. Prioritization and productivity are confused with "project management" leaving people overwhelmed

  7. Overemphasis on planning without equal focus on execution, creating a gap between planning and reality

  8. Limited integration capabilities, forcing you to juggle multiple tools and creating data silos

  9. Lack of built-in problem-solving frameworks, leaving teams ill-equipped to handle obstacles

  10. Insufficient support for learning and adapting

A study by IBM found companies miss more than 50% of their goals

The Hidden Costs of Bad Goal Setting

  • Employees disengage: Gallup found 80% were not highly engaged.

  • 90% of companies fail to execute strategy successfully, according to Harvard Business School professor Robert Kaplan

  • 4 out of 5 employees don't understand their leader's direction

These factors translate to increased risk of missing opportunities due to inability to execute And trust erodes as teams see each new target as unattainable, or a temporary fascination.

How ResultMaps Turns Rocks, OKRs Or Any Goal Setting Framework Into Strategy Execution Super Powers In 3 Simple Steps

ResultMaps software provides a unified platform to bring all the tools of your business operating system together, easily.

You can see it in action for EOS Rocks here.
See how it works for OKRs here.

Why we believe it's better: We take a principles-focused approach. That means we simplify goal-setting and execution without sacrificing effectiveness, regardless of what system you choose. Our visuals eliminate confusion and silos, while speeding adaptation. The intuitive experience and AI assistance further accelerate implementation, removing the steep learning curve, goal fatigue and jargon typical of other solutions.

Step 1. Make your strategy and goals visual and easy to track so that you connect daily work to strategic priorities without losing sight of the big picture

  • Create a simple, clear one-page strategy map so you align everyone without drowning in complexity

  • Link goals directly to your vision and measurables/KPIs so you stay connected to your purpose without losing sight of measurable outcomes

  • Visualize connections between daily to-do's and actions and long-term objectives so you empower your team to prioritize effectively without constant guidance

  • Use native integrations to business operating systems like rocks for EOS, goal frameworks like OKRs, or develop your own system, with AI copilots to help accelerate so you get benefits fast without overhead and jargon

Step 2.  Track progress and solve problems in real-time so that you adapt to changes without sacrificing the vision

  • Utilize customizable dashboards that update easily so you stay informed without time-consuming manual reporting

  • Use ResultMaps tools, playbooks and checklists to surface issues, then prioritize and solve them fast without losing focus or getting lost in the weeds

  • Leverage built-in problem-solving frameworks so you overcome obstacles efficiently without losing sight of your goals

  • Foster real-time collaboration with integrated to-do and issue management so you maintain alignment without endless meetings or message chains

Tracking for rocks, OKRs and any goal framework

Why we believe it's better: Unlike traditional systems that separate tracking from execution, ResultMaps provides a unified platform where progress monitoring and problem-solving are woven into the fabric of daily operations. This real-time approach allows for fast adaptation while keeping your vision front and center. By combining intuitive visualizations with powerful collaboration tools, ResultMaps ensures that your entire team can stay agile and aligned, turning potential roadblocks into opportunities for growth and innovation.

Why we believe it's better: ResultMaps transforms goal execution from an inconsistent, high-pressure event into a natural part of your team's everyday workflow. This creates a culture of focus and continuous improvement. It builds shared ownership and empower employees to drive results without the stress of micromanagement.

Step 3. Build consistent execution rhythms so you drive accountability without micromanagement or stress Implement daily, weekly, and monthly check-ins to keep goals top-of-mind

  • Use ResultMaps to implement daily, weekly, and monthly check-in routines so you keep goals top-of-mind without overwhelming your team

  • ResultMaps integrates your goals, rocks or OKRs into weekly team meetings and 1-on-1s so you maintain focus and drive progress without losing sight of priorities

  • Utilize ResultMaps' automated reminders and progress tracking so you maintain momentum without constant manual follow-ups

  • Create role-based dashboards and clear ownership in ResultMaps so you clarify expectations without micromanaging

  • Apply ResultMaps' continuous improvement prompts so you adapt goals based on real-world feedback without losing strategic direction

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