How To Get Results 2x Faster Without Drowning in To-Do’s and Task Lists

Get clarity from chaos: prioritize and execute with ResultMaps. ResultMaps' prioritizer gives a set of tools that transform scattered tasks into clear focus. You get the help you need to focus on the right things, communicate more effectively and eliminate the time required to follow up.

Trusted by successful entrepreneurs and industry leaders to boost productivity and drive results.

Honestly, Is This The Way To Manage Your Team's To-Do Lists?

Are you drowning in endless to-do lists, struggling to prioritize tasks, and losing sight of the end game?  Is your team spending more time managing tasks than actually getting results?

You aren’t alone, the data shows everyone is overwhelmed with tools as well with shifting priorities. 4 of 5 people report burn out.  75% don’t understand their leader's direction. 80% cite keeping focus during continual shifts as their critical challenge.

productivity solvesoverwhelm

The Productivity Paradox: Why Your To-Do List Is Sabotaging Your Success

In a world with over 500 million productivity software options, why are we still drowning in tasks? Traditional to-do list tools promise organization but deliver chaos:

  • Context Collapse: Actions disconnected from vision or goals.  

  • Priority Paralysis: Treating everything as urgent creates overwhelm. 

  • Silo Syndrome: Teams work in isolation, lacking clarity on impact. 

  • Update Treadmills: More time spent chasing updates than doing work. 

  • Rigid + Fragile: Systems can't adapt to changing priorities.

Why Do Software Vendors Keep Falling Short?

TLDR: more tasks do not equal better results.

Traditional software vendors treat tasks like sticky notes. They focus on pushing more and more around the organization. Prioritization is treated as engineering instead of real-world decision-making. Plans and execution are siloed, with every task treated as the most important. Complex interfaces require extensive training and are hard to learn. Tools don't connect work to actual business results. Recent tools that try to create a business focus are often inflexible and can't adapt or learn as situations change.

productivity software that fights overwhelm

The Hidden Costs of Ineffective Task Management

  • 4 of 5 people report burn out.

  • 4 out of 5 people are not highly engaged at work

  • 75% don’t understand their leaders’ direction.

  • 80% of employees cite keeping focus due to continual shifts as their biggest problem

  • Less than

At ResultMaps, we named this problem set “The Taskademic”

61% of executives acknowledged that their firms often struggle to bridge the gap between strategy formulation and execution; Only 17% of respondents said that strategy implementation was seen as strategic in their organizations.
— Review of MIT Research on Strategy Execution
Productivity Tools From ResultMaps

Introducing ResultMaps: Your Solution for Supercharged Productivity

ResultMaps is more than just a to-do list. It's a comprehensive strategy execution and productivity system that aligns action with your strategic goals, empowering your team to achieve results 2x faster at half the cost.

Transform Your Productivity with ResultMaps

It’s as simple as typing a few lines and following our intuitive, guided setup. Then use proven, simple tools and templates to address the areas where you need help. Transform your productivity today - no extensive training needed. ResultMaps adapts to you and shows you how to level up.

  1. Lightning-fast setup

  2. Easy data import

  3. Seamless integration with your favorite tools

  4. Customizable to your needs

  5. Scalable for solo entrepreneurs to large teams

Onboarding To Next Generation Productivity Tools
productivity tools that adapt

Simplify by Clearing Your Head and Getting a Clear Picture - Without Getting Lost

ResultMaps software transforms how you capture and organize your thoughts, tasks, and ideas. Our flexible system allows you to dump everything out of your head without worrying about perfect organization. Use hashtags for quick categorization, @mentions to assign tasks on the fly, and drag-and-drop for easy reorganization.

As you capture, you'll begin to see connections to your strategic goals and team objectives, helping you prioritize faster and better.

Align Action to Realize Vision, Strategy
…and Results

ResultMaps goes beyond traditional task management by seamlessly connecting daily actions and to-dos to strategy, goals, vision, and results. Our unique approach allows you to see how things fit together, from to-dos to measurables and KPIs, projects, goals, and meetings.

ResultMaps' "Prioritizer" tools help you prioritize and manage decisions and communication based on this clear picture. This means you keep day-to-day activities aligned, surface problems, and resolve conflicts faster. It even means you can run better meetings simply by using drag and drop.

Organize and Prioritize: Focus on What Matters Most - Even When Things Change Constantly

ResultMaps empowers you to cut through the noise and focus on what matters most with intelligent organization and prioritization tools that are easy to learn and use. Customizable views help you see context, priority, and deadlines across all of your teams. ResultMaps Personal Prioritizer tools give you the power of proven techniques from the world's best, helping you stay focused on the right things and deliver faster.

Collaborate Effectively:
Break Down Silos and Boost Teamwork

ResultMaps provides a unified visual platform that keeps action and to-dos in the context of vision, goals, and results. It improves visibility, communication, and decision-making by removing silos and keeping everyone focused on the mission. With ResultMaps, you can easily plan, delegate, track progress, and generate instant reports across teams and clients.

Identify and Overcome Bottlenecks: Boost Problem-Solving and Productivity

ResultMaps transforms problem-solving to make you and your teams more productive. Our 90-second daily updates and integrated meeting tools surface challenges instantly for quick, effective decisions. Push-button reports provide visibility into stuck items, while proven playbooks guide teams from "blocked" to "realized" efficiently.

Celebrate - Learn from Wins and Challenges to Level Up

ResultMaps software  transforms how teams celebrate successes and learn from challenges, fostering a culture of continuous improvement. Our easy-to-use tools highlight achievements, showcase accomplishments, and demonstrate ongoing ownership and progress. By visually connecting efforts to outcomes, ResultMaps keeps everyone engaged, aligned, and constantly improving.

This is why customers love ResultMaps.

These Companies Are Already Getting 2x Faster Results, When Will You?

Every day you wait is another day of lost productivity. Join the ranks of high-performing companies that have transformed their task management and accelerated their results with ResultMaps.

Experience the power of ResultMaps risk-free. Set up a call with our team to get started and see how we can transform your productivity.

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