How To Get Results and Hit Your Numbers 2x Faster…Without Meeting Madness

Replace Bad Meetings With Meaningful Execution using the ResultMaps Platform

Trusted by Innovative Entrepreneurial Growth Companies To Transform Meetings.

ResultMaps Software is Trusted

Are Meetings Holding You Back Instead Of Driving Results?

Traditional meetings often lead to endless discussions, unclear outcomes, and wasted time. Your team is frustrated by the lack of progress, action items get lost in the shuffle, and strategic goals seem to drift further away. Without a system to connect your meetings to your overall strategy and daily execution, you're missing out on the power of focused, results-driven collaboration.

Why Traditional Meeting Mindsets Hold You Back

  1. No agenda, or failure to stick to the agenda

  2. No meaningful accountability for action items and to-do's

  3. No way to keep the meeting focused on decisions

  4. Difficulty/time required to bring up-to-date information in from different sources

  5. Lack of connection to vision, goals, and outcomes

  6. No real prioritization

  7. Lack of integrated process documentation and improvement mechanisms

12 Ways Meeting Management Tools Push A Bad Meeting Mindset

  1. Overly complex systems that are hard to learn and adopt

  2. Lack of seamless integration between agendas, to-do's, and issues

  3. Limited automation and data visibility across different meeting contexts

  4. Insufficient focus on driving measurable outcomes and results

  5. Inability to easily surface and manage issues within the meeting context

  6. Lack of simple prioritization

  7. No way to decide when to deprioritize or change direction without a lot of overhead

  8. Too much manual work to configure, follow up

  9. Focus on supporting transcriptions versus alignment and decisions

  10. Lack ways to create a single through line from a “North Star” goal down to action and decision level

  11. Focus on relationship development to the detriment of getting things done

  12. Insufficient tools for capturing and evolving process knowledge during meetings

$339 Billion
— Annual cost of bad meetings in the US

The Cost of Bad Meetings: $339B

On average, businesses waste 1 full day per person per week on unproductive meetings. For a team of 10 with an average salary of $90,000, that's $3,461.50 wasted every week. Over a year, this adds up to a staggering $180,000 in lost productivity.

ResultMaps Transforms Meetings And Meeting Culture Into A Force For Results - In 3 Steps

Step 1. Focus meetings with clear intent so you drive results without wasting any time

  • Automatic agenda creation and updates tied to your business plans, measurables, to-dos and issues, so you save time on preparation without losing focus

  • Automatic inclusion of measurables/KPIs, targets (rocks, OKRs, your favorite goal setting framework) without constant manual updates

  • Tools and playbooks that help teams prioritize, decide, and problem-solve, so you run efficient meetings without getting stuck in aimless discussions

  • Customizable meeting templates for consistency, building trust without rigid, one-size-fits-all approaches

  • Easy access to context for all participants, so everyone understands the "why" without long pre-meeting briefings

Step 2. Replace meeting messes with simple rhythms of 'GSD' so you get the right things done without hassle

  • Structured templates for different meeting types, so you maintain consistency without reinventing the wheel each time (includes FULL support for business operating systems like EOS Level 10 Meetings)

  • Supports annual, quarterly, and weekly tactical meeting rhythms - even 1x1s and project meetings, so you create a common meeting method for the essentials without confusion

  • Built-in issue tracking and problem-solving frameworks, so you tackle challenges head-on without losing momentum

  • Automated action item assignment and follow-up, so actions are done without constant reminders

  • Clear connection between meetings and goals and strategy, so everyone stays aligned without confusion or getting lost in the weeds

  • Create healthy accountability without stress, so you spot trends and issues without having to chase status reports

Step 3. Empower your team to solve problems, make decisions, and improve without micromanagement or losing alignment

  • Interactive dashboards focused on priorities, so teams make better decisions without getting lost in data

  • Decision-making tools based on your core values, so choices align with company direction without micromanagement

  • Continuous improvement prompts, so teams learn and adapt without formal training sessions

  • Visibility into how decisions impact goals, so everyone understands their role without silos

  • Easy sharing of wins and lessons, so knowledge spreads without bottlenecks

  • Attach and organize relevant files and links, so you have the information you need without having to go hunting continually

  • Rate your meetings, so you continue to improve without extra effort

Step 4. Cut the rest of your meetings so you can focus on better teamwork without distraction

  • Asynchronous update tools, so you stay informed without endless status meetings

  • Integration with communication platforms, so information flows without extra meetings

  • Playbooks with clear criteria for necessary meetings and communication, so you protect everyone's focus without losing collaboration

This Is Why Customers Love ResultMaps

These Companies Are Already Saving A Day Per Person Per Week (That’s A Month Per Person Per Year)
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