“Innovative We’re all pioneers. We’re original and creative in our thinking. To us, innovation is a default mind-set – a hard wired desire to improve things.
Collaborative We’re all Spotify. We’re stronger together. The better we collaborate, the more effective we are. When we’re working well across functions, we’re unstoppable.
Sincere We mean it. The best relationships are based on mutual trust and respect. We want to be fair and transparent in everything we do. We don’t micro-manage, we trust each other to do a great job.
Passionate We feel it. We’re proud of what we’ve achieved, and passionate about where we’re going. We like being bold. We’re not afraid of taking big bets, or getting them wrong. We all share a passion to learn and grow.
Playful We say yes to fun. Let’s be honest, we have bands playing in the office – it kind of sets the tone. We’re a playful company and a playful brand. We always have been. We never take ourselves too seriously.”