The Performance Resource Center

How to Level Up an MSP Business: Interview with Danny Suk Brown of AppMeetup
Videos Joshua Levy Videos Joshua Levy

How to Level Up an MSP Business: Interview with Danny Suk Brown of AppMeetup

In the specialized world of Managed Service Providers or MSPs, Danny Suk Brown and the team at AppMeetup are called on by companies like Microsoft and Amazon to train thousands of channel partners to grow their businesses. In this interview, we dive into common challenges and solutions to business growth for MSPs. Learn how to level up an MSP business in this episode.

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Stephen Bungay on Strategy and the Art of Execution
Videos Ren Jones Videos Ren Jones

Stephen Bungay on Strategy and the Art of Execution

Stephen Bungay is a Director at the Strategic Management Center, where he teaches programs on strategic decisions and translating strategy into action. He's also a sought-after conference speaker on topics related to strategy, leadership, and driving through disruption.

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Dr. Rebecca Homkes, Executive Advisor, on 3 Steps for CEOs to Thrive Forward
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Dr. Rebecca Homkes, Executive Advisor, on 3 Steps for CEOs to Thrive Forward

Dr. Rebecca Homkes specializes in high-growth strategy. She consults to CEOs all over the world and has developed a highly effective framework to help CEOs navigate the road ahead. She lectures on growth, entrepreneurship and innovation at the London Business School and serves as Director at the Strategic Management Centre. She’s previous Fellow at the London School of Economics’ (LSE) Centre for Economic Performance (CEP). Homkes is the director of the global Applied Learning Programme (ALP) for the Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO) and works with high-growth and scaling entrepreneurial companies across industries and countries. She previously served as a Fellow at the White House’s President’s Council of Economic Advisors and has worked in management and strategy consulting for Bain & Co. in Chicago. You can see her complete bio at the bottom of the show notes. In this episode, Dr. Homkes shares some of her successes and observations helping CEOs navigate the new economy, and the framework she authored that’s proven to be incredibly valuable.

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Cameron Herold, founder of The COO Alliance, on vision, execution, and growth
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Cameron Herold, founder of The COO Alliance, on vision, execution, and growth

Dive into our interview with Cameron Herald, where he shares his expertise on company vision, execution, and growth principles. Uncover the transformative power of Vivid Vision, a tool used by CEOs to align teams, connect with stakeholders, and enhance recruitment. Gain valuable insights on the CEO and COO dynamic and the importance of creating a Vivid Vision for your own team.

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Peter Himmelman talks creativity, focus, and vision
Videos Ren Jones Videos Ren Jones

Peter Himmelman talks creativity, focus, and vision

Peter built his company Big Muse to help organizations like Boeing, Adobe, 3M, Kellogg, and Wharton unlock their team creativity and trust. And the principles aren't theoretical for Peter—before he started this company, he was a successful musician—complete with a stack of awards, including Grammy and Emmy nominations. He's prolific by any definition and he's passionate about teaching others. Peter contributes to Forbes and the ResultMaps Performance Resource Center, and he has written a book we highly recommended called Let Me Out: Unlock Your Creative Mind and Bring Your Ideas to Life. The book has been lauded by people like Adam Grant and Arianna Huffington.

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