Product Updates 2021.07

We’ve doubled down on the process of building with customers. It’s a central part of how we approach strategy execution. The result is a stream of improvements to solve your most pressing problems. The most frequent areas of focus have been our Project and Process Center and in our Team Weekly Dashboard. Here’s the latest.

Fuel Jedi-level meeting mastery with visible ownership and accountability

The team weekly dashboard helps you build a Warp speed drive for the space ship that is your business. To do that even better, we’ve made sure you always have visibility into the DRI - the directly responsible individual. Because accountability and ownership are what power your spaceship .

Kendall won’t lose focus!

Kendall won’t lose focus!

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Prepare for meeting + weekly workshops preparation at warp speed

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When things are moving fast, it can be hard to focus on anything but the next steps. The new 3-step weekly prep assistant reminds you what you own and makes it easy to update ahead of your meeting.

See it in action

Draft processes, projects and timelines at warp speed

With ResultMaps textgenius tools, you can type or copy paste directly into ResultMaps. Better yet if you add ResultMaps hashtags and mentions, ResultMaps organizing things for you. You get a preview of how your text is being understood. And you can use this now from anywhere in the project and process center - even inside a process step or column.

Learn more

Master operational excellence

We’ve launched new support options for both the chief of staff (aka Integrator, aka COO) role and managers. And we’ve got new Process Jedi bootcamp. Contact us for details if you are interested or would like more information.

Contact us to learn more.

Learn more about the research and science behind some of our most popular features in our Rethinking Execution interview series.


Inside ResultMaps


OKRs for modern teams with Felipe Castro