We do the right thing in serving our tribe, our stockholders, our customers, our products, our end-users, our suppliers and even our competitors. This means looking for the right action in every context, and asking critical questions that bring out the best course or decisions relevant to the situation and the circumstances. It also means being honest in both word and deed. Being reliable, dependable and competent. And doing what’s right according to the situation and the context. If we are honest and we speak and act congruently, we will be doing what is right.
We value creating positive lasting memories in all our relationships.
As a result of our interactions with our tribe and stakeholders, we all will feel better at the end of the interaction than we did when we began; we will leave with a positive memory of it. Our stockholders should be proud to say they own our stock. Our customers should consider us a part of their business success. End-users should be glad they purchased our products, telling their friends about the quality and utility of our brands. Our company name and our many brands should become known as emblems of quality, performance and value. Our tribe members should consider each other valued friends and colleagues who share work, struggles, successes, life and laughter over the years. If we successfully live these values, the result will be a higher degree of mutual trust and respect.
We value making it better than it is today.
We value continual improvement. We are a learning organization. We are responsible for our own development and helping others to learn, as well. We celebrate our successes, then move on to new heights of achievement. We solicit ideas and solutions from all, and consistently look for ways to progress. We are comfortable with self‐criticism and receiving constructive feedback. We take the time to recognize others who do the same. We endeavor not to repeat mistakes. We value the development of our people in order to enhance their skills and to improve their career opportunities. There is a special moment which occurs right at the point in time where a person gains an insight or new knowledge because of a particularly positive...or negative...event. We are constantly on the lookout for these “learning moments,” because they are the fuel for continual improvement.
We value succeeding as a tribe while excelling as individuals.
We recognize that collective success comes first. Our organization is a global company with many different locations and tribe members spread far and wide. But everything we do is geared toward the success of the entire company. And within the company are smaller groups, whether they are functional departments or teams defined by geography. The same philosophy applies in these sub‐teams. We believe the individual can’t “win” at the expense of, or apart from, the tribe. But individual excellence is the means by which our organization succeeds. And “excellence” is defined as outstanding contribution to the whole. Our mantra is one world, one company, one tribe.
We value owning it and passionately acting on it.
We get our shoes dirty. We are relentless about understanding our business and our role in impacting it. We are passionate about our end users, customers and markets, and how we can positively impact them. We act in ways that maintain our traditions while positioning us powerfully for the future. We consider carefully, act boldly, and course correct as needed.
We value sustaining the WD-40 Company economy.
We realize creating and protecting economic value for our tribe and its stakeholders is a tremendous responsibility. We take seriously the fact that many families are dependent upon the actions we take. We recognize and accept this responsibility.”