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Meet ResultMaps.
Leaders love it.
“ResultMaps is an Incredible helps you establish your OKRs...and actually makes sure your company does weekly meetings and daily check-ins so everything ties together.”
Project wranglers love it.
“I love the 90-second can really drive discussing pertinent blockers versus noise.”
““ResultMaps clearly maps the relationship from the mission and vision all the way down to daily tasks. By creating a visual relationship that extends from the vision statement all the way down, ResultMaps allows us to focus more on efforts that map to our objectives, then identify and say no to activities that don’t. If your business is defined by the objectives you set forward in your mission/vision and filter through your values and objectives, then ResultMaps is the tool that keeps everything you do in the proper context. I also appreciate the reminders that help me stay on track and prioritize tasks. The daily summary is perfect for making sure the most important tasks stay at the top.””
“ResultMaps have earned my hightest recommendation.”
“Great platform”